Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Funny and Cute Robots Able to Perform Leap ROPID As Nice

We ketaui Country Japan is a country that has advanced & many unique ideas that they have made ​​a keyataan, one of which we know the robot. The Scientists in Japan have succeeded in producing a unique robots and also admirable.

Yes,,,, many types of robots that they created, one of the humanoid robot, humanoid robot is indeed already been developed at this time in Japan. Even the various countries involved were moved to competing to bring a homemade robot. Some are impressed funny, some are impressed tough.

This time let's look at this one cute robot. ROPID robot is indeed tiny size and very adorable, besides being able to dance with a slow movement, the robot is also reportedly able to jump.

Robot made ​​by Tomotaka Takahashi, who was behind the Panasonic Evolta bots, not just ordinary plastic robot. This robot is also capable of spinning in circles when making the leap, could run and jump over objects. Currently still being developed technology that can support the concept of this robot so balansitas stay upright, but the thumb stretched ROPID deserves because it is fast growing and looks alive.

This course is supported by funding that is not less when performed experiments. Also reportedly present ROPID able to respond to various commands via voice as well. Takahashi himself has designed the robot itself.

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