Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga and anime series written by Akira Toriyama from 1984 to 1995. Her album consists of 42 books and published in Indonesia by Elex Media Komputindo.Dragon Ball tells about a boy named Goku who lived alone in the middle of the mountain. He then met with Bulma, a young girl genius, trying to collect seven magical balls that he could grant all wishes. Ball-ball is called Dragon Ball.In
his journey with Bulma to find the Dragon Ball, Goku must deal with
many obstacles, one of which is from the Red Ribbon Army. This group has the same passion with Goku and Bulma.The characters in Dragon Ball, among others:
* Son Goku (Songoku)
* Bulma (Burma)
* Krillin (Kuririn)
* Master Roshi (Kamesennin)
* Oolong (Uron)
* Yamcha (Yamucha)
* Puaru
* Chi-Chi (Chichi)
* Ox King (Gyumao / King Beef)
* Launch
* Tien (Ten Shin Han)
* Chiaotzu (Chaoz)
* Son Gohan (Songohan)
* Son Goten (Songoten)
* Vegeta (Bezita)
* Trunks (Toranku)
* Pilaf (Pirafu)
* Tao Pai Pai (Tao Bai Bai)
* Red Ribbon Army (Red Ribbon)
* Piccolo (Pikkoro)
* Tsuru-sennin (Tsurusennin)
* Cell (Cell)
* Frieza (Freeza)
* Buu (Bhu)
* Babidy (Babidy)
* Uub (UBH)
* Android # 17 (Man Made no. 17)
* Android # 18 (Man Made no. 18)
* Baby
* Broly
* Turles
* Bardock
* Omega Shenron (Shen Lon)
Dragon Ball manga consists of two main divisions, but in the division can still be subdivided as follows:
* Dragon Ball (when Goku was a kid)
* Dragon Ball Z
o Saiyan Saga
o Planet Namek
o Cell Saga
o Buu Saga
Note: Dragon Ball GT is an alternative universe, because it is not an original work of Akira Toriyama and there is no manga.The history of elections the names of Dragon Ball characters
* The Saiya called by the names of vegetables
o Saiya is the anagram of Yasai = Vegetable
o = Goku Kakarot = Carrot = Carrot
o = Raditz = Radish Daikon Radish Japanese =
Vegeta Vegeta = o = = Vegetables Vegetables
o Broly = Broccoli = Broccoli
* Family Goku based on food
o Gohan = Rice
o Pan (son Gohan) = Bread
* Family name Bulma is named after the name apparel
o Trunks = Pants
o Bra = Beha
* Kelurga Mr. Satan the devil's name is called by name
o videl, son of Mr.. Satan is an anagram of the Devil
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